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Modern Dog Training

Our modern training methods promote compassion, ethics, and mutual respect between humans and their canine companions. 


We bring the scientifically-proven skills necessary to correct nuisance behaviors, while continually providing the love and quality of life that all dogs deserve!


Whether your pup is a new addition to your family or a long-time friend, our personalized training provides you with practical, fundamental skills that remove the stress from training. Our lessons are ethical, achievable, and fun!

Our Training


Happy Dog with Toy
Dog doing trick

Personalized Lessons

Every dog is unique. We can teach you about how your dog thinks, learns, and communicates during our one-on-one sessions.

CPDT-KA Certified Trainer

Our trainer is CPDT-KA Certified. That means that our curriculum is based on cruelty-free techniques that are backed by scientific research.


APDT Member

Your dog trainer is a registered member of the Association of Professional Dog Training, the world's largest pet training association.


Living Room

Home Training

Dog training at home provides a familiar environment for your dog, which leads to better focus and learning.

Paper Airplane Email

Follow-Up Support

A lesson summary will be sent to you after each session. You can also text or email the trainer with specific questions at any time.

Cell Phone

Easy Scheduling

Simply pick an available time on our online booking calendar. We are also available through email, text, or calls. 



Emily gave us many tips and tricks to
improve Archie's behavior. 
He now acts like the good boy
we always knew he was.

Christy S.

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